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Friday, April 3, 2009

Role-based home page


OpenMRS is used by a wide range of users having different roles. Each of these types of users requires different functionalities and interfaces which are specific to their workflow. At present, OpenMRS provides a single, unspecified user interface for all users, independent of their role, which users often find cumbersome. This project proposes to create a mechanism for role-based adaptation of the "home page" and user interface to more specifically meet work flow needs for a given role.

1.       Who are you? What are you studying?

Contact details

Name: Thotage Thanuka Srimal Piyasena (Normally I used Thanuka Piyasena)


Tel: +94716903313

About me

I am a final year undergraduate of University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, specializing in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. I am very much interested to get involved with development of any types of projects, specially R&D related development and Web related projects.

2.       Why are you the right person for this task?

Target: Successful completion of this project would include designing, documenting and developing a mechanism through which implementation administrators could control the starting page by user role.

·         Appropriate unit tests for newly developed functionality

·         Implementer-specific documentation so that environments can begin using the new feature

·         Evidence of one implementation using the feature.

Extra credit: An administrative page that facilitates easy and intuitive manipulation of the role-based home page settings.

I have knowledge to complete both task specified in target and extra credit sections. I have the necessary theoretical and practical background to complete those tasks well. I have sound knowledge of web based application development, web interface development as well as the knowledge of web services.

3.       Do you have any other commitments that we should know about?

Research I have done

I have downloaded the source code of OpenMRS project and deploy it in my machine. I configured it and did some experiments with it using provided dummy data and dummy data inserted by me.


1.    Source code for Role base home page application

2.    Documentation

3.    Tutorial can be supplied if needed

Development plan

Step 1: Gathering other necessary information in order to getting familiar with the project and the technologies/libraries related to project [Estimated completion: 30th of April]

Step 2: Coming up with the finalized list of features and a design and defining a list of test scenarios. [Estimated completion: 20th of May]

Step 3: First phase of development [Estimated completion: 3th of July]

Step 4: Mid-Term evaluation [Estimated completion: 13th of July]

Step 5: Second phase of development [Estimated completion: 3th of August]

Step 6: Documentation, code reviews and testing the different scenarios defined in the designing phase and expecting to provide tutorial if needed [Estimated completion: 15th of August]

Step7: Final evaluation [Estimated completion: 24th of August]

Future plans regarding this project

I have already planned to contribute to improvements of the developed module after completion of Google Summer of Code because I intend to keep touch with OpenMRS and the open source community.

4.       List your Java experience.

I have been working with Java technologies for almost three years. I have developed a fair amount of applications using those technologies. I have done several individual projects as well as participated for several group projects according to the requirements of some modules in our department. Some of projects I have done are as follows;

Multi Agent System for Energy Management (J2SE, JADE, jfreechart)

Online Student Registration System (MySQL, PHP, Html, CSS, Apache)

Online Railway Information System (MSSQL, ASP.Net, Html, CSS, JavaScript)

Pharmacy & Grocery Management System (J2SE, Swing, MySQL)

I have also done some other mini projects. (C/C++)

Actually I had six months of training experience at IronOneTechnologies in Sri Lanka. I worked with Java related technologies for almost six months at IronOne. I gave my contribution to three main projects while I was there. Those are:

360MassNotifier (J2EE, JSP/Servlet, Html, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, Oracle)

S360 Mobile Advertising (J2EE, JSP/Servlet, Html, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, Oracle)

ATrad (J2SE, Swing, Socket Programming)


5.       List your web interface experience.

Involving with the projects mentioned in above, I have gain considerable amount of experience in web interface design for almost one and half years.

6.       List your history with open source projects.

As a habit, I normally download source codes of the open source projects and review those codes to learn how they have done their coding and observe coding standard followed by them. I have been doing this for the past two years.

7.       Please provide links to websites created by you and/or source code examples.

You can find out more link in my blog.

8.       Do you have experience with Spring/ Hibernate/ DWR/HL7/ Tomcat/ MySQL/ AOP? (Experience with any/all is not a requirement)

Yes of course, I have experience with Tomcat/ MySQL/ AOP.

9.       What is your preferred method of contact? (Phone, email, Skype, IRC, IM, etc.)

I prefer to contact through email.


10.   If you have visited our IRC channel, please include your IRC nickname in your application.

Nickname: ttsp_uom


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