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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How to dispaly PDF files in iPhone

It is easy to display PDF files in iPhone. But you need some knowledge about Quartz 2D frame work.

Only thing you have to do is you need to load the pdf file to memory as needed (like page by page as they want). Then Quartz 2D provide function to draw the page as it is on UIView.

Monday, September 28, 2009

360iDev Conference

The goal of the 360iDev conference is building the iPhone developer community and increasing the networking within it. Yesterday, began the 360iDev Conference. To keep up with what’s going on there in real time click here or click here.

Friday, September 25, 2009

How to get facebook connect permissions

Facebook offers some API functionality that requires the user to specifically opt in before your application or site can use that functionality. These methods are specific to certain use cases that require a greater level of trust from the user. Users express this trust by granting your application or site specific extended permissions. These permissions allow your application to perform certain actions.
The available extended permissions are:

1. publish_stream -- Lets your application or site post content, comments, and likes to a user's profile and in the streams of the user's friends without prompting the user. This permission is a superset of the status_update, photo_upload, video_upload, create_note, and share_item extended permissions, so if you haven't prompted users for those permissions yet, you need only prompt them for publish_stream.

2. read_stream -- Lets your application or site access a user's stream and display it. This includes all of the posts in a user's stream. You need an active session with the user to get this data.

3. email -- This permission allows an application to send email to its user. When the user accepts, you can send him/her an email via notifications.sendEmail.

4. offline_access -- This permission grants an application access to user data when the user is offline or doesn't have an active session.

5. create_event -- This permission allows an app to create and modify events for a user via the events.create, events.edit and events.cancel methods.

6. rsvp_event -- This permission allows an app to RSVP to an event on behalf of a user via the method.

7. sms -- This permission allows a mobile application to send messages to the user and respond to messages from the user via text message.

8. status_update -- This permission grants your application the ability to update a user's or Facebook Page's status with the status.set or users.setStatus method.
Note: You should prompt users for the publish_stream permission instead, since it includes the ability to update a user's status.

9. photo_upload -- This permission relaxes requirements on the photos.upload and photos.addTag methods. If the user grants this permission, photos uploaded by the application will bypass the pending state and the user will not have to manually approve the photos each time.
Note: You should prompt users for the publish_stream permission instead, since it includes the ability to upload a photo.

10. video_upload -- This permission allows an application to provide the mechanism for a user to upload videos to their profile.
Note: You should prompt users for the publish_stream permission instead, since it includes the ability to upload a video.

11. create_note -- This permission allows an application to provide the mechanism for a user to write, edit, and delete notes on their profile.
Note: You should prompt users for the publish_stream permission instead, since it includes the ability to let a user write notes.

12. share_item -- This permission allows an application to provide the mechanism for a user to post links to their profile.
Note: You should prompt users for the publish_stream permission instead, since it includes the ability to let a user share links.

How to do some more important functions using FBConnect API

As you all know Facebook is heavily used social network system. So it has more important functions which should be in social network system. The following functions I have implemented to help those who are interesting on FBConnect API.

1. Get current user's Facebook friend lists
2. Get all visible groups according to the filters specified
3. Get membership list data associated with a group
4. Get all visible photos according to the filters specified
6. Get metadata about all of the photo albums uploaded by the specified user
7. Uploads a photo owned by the current session user
8. Updates a user's Facebook status through your application
9. Publishes a post into the stream on the user's Wall and News Feed (Text + Images)
10. Get user-specific information for each user identifier passed, limited by the view of the current user

To get the iPhone project to learn above functions download application from here. You can see the code and test with other functions as well. How to call their database is more important thing when we use FBConnect API. You can learn it also from this application.

Twitter for iPhone

Those who wish to learn about "Twitter API" and link with it your iPhone App it's realy easy and cool.
Here is the set of link you to follow;
1. Twitter-API-documentation
2. Things every developer should know
3. Twitter account

If you have any problems put a comment then I would able to help you if I have a time. If not, at least, I would be able to sent you a link you to follow.

Complete set of XCode shortcut commands

Here is the link where you can download complete set of XCode shortcut commands.